I'm sure that some of you may have trouble believing in magic.  Magic is everywhere whether you admit it or not. All the students at Lebanon Valley College know that there are numerous ghost stories on campus, the most famous one being the Mary Green Ghost.  Then there are those times when you see something out of the corner of your eye when there's nothing there.  And the Ghost of Bloody Mary in a dark bathroom is an urban legend right? I don't know if it is but bear with me. To be more domestic about it, love is magical; I don't need to tell anyone who's been in love or felt loved how this feels. Life is magic.

I would like to say I know a bit about how other Pagan religions practice magic, but I don't.  I only know how Wiccan magic can work.  Wiccan spells usually orient themselves around the lunar calendar.  For instance, a spell will be most potent during a full moon.  There are two types of spells; deosil ones, which are constructive, or create something, and widdershin ones, which are destructive or get rid of something.  An example of a deosil spell would do something like make you more attractive, while a widdershin spell would get rid of an illness.  I'll go into more detail about deosil and widdershin spells when I do a more detailed post on spells.

There are multiple different skills Pagans can use to practice magic, or the Craft.  They can specialize their skills with potions, divination, herbology, and charms.  I know, it sounds a lot like Harry Potter, but that's probably the most well-known and most accurate presentation of magic in popular culture.  Even within these different methods of practicing magic, there are a variety of specific skills.  For instance, there are multiple forms of divination; tarot cards, rune-casting, water-gazing, palm-reading, and others.  Usually a Pagan will focus on one maybe two fields, depending on what they are interested in and what their strengths are.

I should tell you that in my experience, I have not done any spellwork, but this doesn't mean that I haven't encountered magic.  Like I said before, magic is everywhere.  The trick is being able to recognize it.  I have tried to perform astral projection, and I'm not exactly sure how successful it was.  For those who don't know, astral projection is kind of like an out-of-body meditation experience; you go to a spirit realm (names vary depending on your beliefs) and can explore it freely.  Usually this is done to gain magical or spiritual knowledge.

What questions do you have on magic? I can try to answer them, or maybe someone else can do a better job.  I would ask you to describe your experiences with magic, but I know that some Pagans would take offense to simply being asked such a question.  So if you want to share then do; I'd like to know, but I also don't want to offend anyone.
12/31/2013 03:02:50 am

nhad a "false Christian" experience about 2 months ago- the so called "baptism of fire and the holy spirit." It was all real scary to me, but, for about a month, I believed it to be "not of this world."- I was sadly mistaken- I ended up being 'put in a acute psychiatric unit' for 14 long, long days that I 'thought would never end.' Everybody is mad at me now because I 'truly lost my religion' onabout day 6 or 7'- I am not religious any more!- I am interested in your site-I was attacking pagans, Satanists, Generational Luciferians, witches, wiccas(sic)- I have abandoned my faith in the Bible- I am trained as a scientist and found that my ''me in the ''psych ward.'' I do not do drugs or drink. I am sincere about this. I would appreciate any help in learning wicca. I am interested in your feelings on your relationship to the earth, moon, sun, etc and would like to learn more about 'wicca'- That whole Jesus trip fed to me by my parents did not one bit of good for me. In fact- when the going get's rough- I believe your route is better than the Christian route. Christianity has caused me a lot of heartache- Thank you sir for your time-


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